A referral-only center with on-site comprehensive healthcare, behavioral health, and supportive services that will connect individuals to stable housing and help reduce homelessness in Santa Cruz County.

About Behavioral Health Bridge Housing

Behavioral Health Bridge Housing (BHBH) is an innovative, 32-bed center with temporary housing located at 2202 Soquel Avenue. The center will provide comprehensive services to individuals with behavioral health conditions which may be preventing them from accessing help and transitioning out of homelessness. 

Input from various groups, including individuals with lived experience of mental illness, have emphasized the urgent need for housing solutions with integrated behavioral health services. The first of its kind in Santa Cruz County, this referral-based center is a step forward in addressing the intersection of homelessness and behavioral health challenges in our community.

Funding for Behavioral Health Bridge Housing is possible through a $10.2 million grant from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). 


  • Behavioral Health Bridge Housing will be funded through a $10.2 million grant from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).  
  • As required by the state, this new program will prioritize access to individuals participating in the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) plan.  
    • Secondary priority will go to individuals with histories of frequent utilization of crisis and inpatient behavioral health services with long histories of homelessness. 
    • It is expected that BHBH will help 60-80 Santa Cruz residents each year, with an average stay of six months. However, individuals may be able to secure permanent housing sooner than this timeframe.
Our Service Model

Our goal is to provide a safe space for treatment and recovery while creating a pathway to long-term housing. Many people can stabilize, begin healing, and exit homelessness in less restrictive, community-based care settings. Our services will help promote recovery by providing person-centered, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed care.

  • The BHBH Center will offer both on-site 24/7 resident service operated by a third-party contractor and a full array of behavioral health services provided by the Santa Cruz County Integrated Housing and Recovery Team (IHART)
  • BHBH will feature space to support on-site health care services.
  • Staff will provide comprehensive services to individuals as they transition from homelessness to permanent housing and ensure they have the tools and resources they need to remain stably housed and healthy.



Behavioral Health Bridge Housing Program is a collaborative effort among the Health Services Agency's Behavioral Health Division, the Human Services Department’s Housing for Health (H4H) Division, and the Community Infrastructure and Development (CDI) Department, in partnership with our care provider, Housing Matters.

  Santa Cruz County Housing for Health (H4H)'s Strategic Framework to Reduce Homelessness.
  For resources for individuals experiencing homelessness, visit H4H's shelter list.
  Get to know more our service care provider partner, Housing Matters
  For construction-related updates, visit the Community Infrastructure and Development (CDI) Department site.
  Mental Health Pocket Guide: Local resources for community members who may be experiencing mental health crises or challenges.