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Behavioral Health Division

The Behavioral Health Division provides a wide range of prevention and treatment options for Santa Cruz County adults, children and their families.


The County of Santa Cruz is thrilled to announce the launch of the LGBTQ+ allyship statement, titled "Behavioral Health Equity Collaborative: Standing with Our LGBTQ+ Community" and "Colaborativo de Equidad de Salud Mental y Tratamiento del Uso de Sustancias: Apoyando a Nuestra Comunidad LGBTQ+."

The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors is proud to release this Proclamation honoring the Behavioral Health Equity Collaborative (BHEC)


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  • This video was produced by the Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health Law Enforcement Liaison Program. 
  • This video was produced by the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz illustrating the power of Recovery and their Community Connections Program.  The Volunteer Center is a contract partner of Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health.





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Client Service

How to Receive
Mental Health Services

Como obtener servicios de Salud Mental

How to Receive
Substance Use Disorder (SUDS) Services

How to Protect your Health Record & Data

(800) 952-2335
24-Hour Access Line

(831) 454-4170
Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
1400 Emeline Ave.
Santa Cruz, CA
(831) 763-8200
Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm
1430 Freedom Blvd.
Suite F
Watsonville, CA

For hearing impaired clients: Dial 711
or send us an email

What to Do in Case of a Mental Health Emergency

Behavioral Health Crisis Services

Suicide Prevention Service

Resources for Traumatic Events or Disasters

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What's New

Behavioral Health Equity Collaborative: Standing with Our LGBTQ+ Community

Colaborativo de Equidad de Salud Mental y Tratamiento del Uso de Sustancias: Apoyando a Nuestra Comunidad LGBTQ+.

State-Administered External Quality Review (EQRO) Reports:

Quality Management Plan FY21-22

Quality Improvement Work Plan Evaluation FY23-24

MHP Consumer Perception Survey 2021

DMC-ODS 2021 Consumer Survey: Adults  Youth

Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLASP) Plan Update 2024-25 - The State of California requires each County Behavioral Health system to have a "Cultural Competence" plan.

MHSA Annual Three-Year Plan FY 2018-19

Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
A clinical assessment tool to facilitate the linkage between the assessment process and the design of individualized service plans including the application of evidence-based practices.

Development of Crisis Continuum – 2/21/23 Stakeholder meeting to receive input and discuss what mobile crisis response resources are needed within the Santa Cruz Community. Video  Slides

Suicide Prevention Trainings - Various trainings around the central coast