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Coordinated Care Teams and Specialized Services

Coordinated Care Treatment Teams

  • Older Adults Team (60 and above with a complex medical condition)
    Services are focused on older adults with a major mental illness and complex medical conditions who are in need of case management and medication services.
  • Recovery Team (26 and above)
    Provides coordinated care to individuals with chronic mental illnesses with severe functional impairments.
  • South County Adult (SCA) Team
    Provides coordinated care to mental health patients living in Watsonville and the southern areas of Santa Cruz County who are in need of case management, medication services and therapy.
    • 1430 Freedom Blvd., Ste. 100,
      Watsonville, CA 95076 (831) 763-8200
  • Transition Age Youth (TAY) Team (Youth 18-25)
    Provides coordinated care to young adults with a major mental illness who are in need case management, medication services, therapy as well as vocational and educational supports.

Services Provided By County Staff and Contract Partnerships

  • Community Support Services provides a special emphasis on the dual diagnosed population and clients living in supported housing. They provide crisis, rehabilitation, case management services, and are also on-call after hours, weekends and holidays. The program is located at 290 Pioneer Street in Santa Cruz and can be reached at (831) 459-0444.        
  • The Downtown Outreach Worker is a contracted position with the Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center (SCCCC) for homeless outreach in the downtown corridor. Services provided include homeless outreach, brokerage and linkage to service, support for local business, street intervention and crisis services.
  • The Crisis Stabilization Program provides crisis assessment, crisis intervention and disposition planning for individuals experiencing a psychiatric emergency for both voluntary and involuntary individuals.
  • The Santa Cruz County Behavioral Health Center provides 24-hour crisis and in-patient services. The Santa Cruz County Psychiatric Health Facility provides inpatient treatment to individuals experiencing a prolonged psychiatric emergency both voluntary and involuntary individuals.        

Specialized County Mental Health Services

  • The Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) team provides services to individuals (18 years and older) in the Adult Mental Health System of Care. The mission of this team is to identify individuals who may be experiencing first signs or symptoms of a major mental illness with the hopes that early intervention and treatment might prevent an acute onset of a psychiatric illness. Assessments may be made when there is concern of serious depression with suicidal thoughts, a change in behavior, increased anxiety, difficult with performing typical tasks of daily living. Our team consists of two licensed therapists for ages 18-59 and one occupational therapist specializing in geriatrics for those 60 and above.
    • Referrals may be made from family members, friends, medical professionals, schools and/or other community providers. Referrals are made though the PEI team supervisor, Steve Ruzicka 831-454-4538
    • Occupational Therapy Assessments to help determine if patients can remain living independently

Forensic Mental Health Services

  • Maintaining Ongoing Stability through Treatment (MOST) team is a Forensic Assertive Community Treatment program (FACT) that combines an evidence-based program of wrap around mental health services inclusive of case management, psychiatry, psychotherapy and employment skill development with additional supports specific to the criminal justice system involvement such as probation, court discharge planning and disposition, liaison relations with law enforcement and jail correctional staff. Mental Health clinicians work in concert with Probation staff that are co-located at the mental health services offices. Detailed service delivery plans are developed to address the mental health needs of the consumer, as well as skill development to reduce and refrain from criminal activity and reduce recidivism with in the criminal justice system.
    • For more information about the MOST team call (831) 454-4170.
  • Jail Behavioral Health Services are provided only at the Jail on Water Street, which is a maximum-security facility. Services are available from 8:00am to 10:30pm, seven days a week. An assigned psychiatrist is available Monday-Friday for medication services. There is a 24-hour, on-call capacity for psychiatric coverage.
    • For more information call (831) 454-2865
    • Frequently Asked Questions - Click on your language preference for general information regarding jail behavioral health services, court information, things you need to know regarding visiting family, friends in jail or accessing behavioral health services outside of jail: English Spanish
    • Jail Crisis Intervention Team Referral - If you would like to refer someone who is currently in custody to the Crisis Intervention Team click on your language preference to submit a referral form or call (831) 454-2865 and speak with the crisis worker or leave a detailed message. Please understand the staff is prohibited by law from giving anyone information without a signed release of information from the client.
  • Mental Health Liaison to the Santa Cruz Police Department provides rapid response to calls for mental health support and crisis intervention from SCPD, for individuals living in the City of Santa Cruz, with an emphasis on those living downtown. This position attends various meetings including: Downtown Improvement Task Force, SCPD Parks Team Meetings, and City Hall Meetings.
  • Mental Health Liaison to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department provides rapid response to calls for mental health support and crisis intervention from the Sheriff’s patrol division throughout the county.

How to Receive Services?

To make a referral to the Adult Mental Health Program contact The Access Team

What to do in case of a Mental Health Emergency