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Homeless Persons' Health Project

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Outreach Services

HPHP’s Street Medicine Team includes Medical Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Public Health Nurses, and Mental Health Client Specialists. We deploy a mobile health clinic and also street outreach workers. We work closely with other County departments and community organizations to provide a variety of services, including the following:

  • General medical care
  • Medication Assisted Treatment
  • Help with benefits
  • Clinic referrals
  • Hygiene kits
  • Vaccinations
  • and much more

Outreach sites and times are subject to change based on community needs.

Click here for an up-to-date schedule and locations

If there is an event where you feel it would be helpful to have an HPHP representative present to provide outreach services, we are open to discussing this with you.

You may contact us at HPHPReferral@santacruzcounty.us, or by calling (831) 454-2080.

Contact Information

Homeless Persons' Health Project (HPHP)

115-A Coral St.
Santa Cruz, CA. 95060
(located at Rebele Family Shelter Building at Highway 1 and River St.) 

(831) 454-2080

Toll Free 
(866) 731-HPHP (4747)

(831) 454-5146

 FAX (831) 454-3424

Click here to send us an email

Clinic Hours

Monday – Thursday

Friday – 8am-3pm

Closed from 12pm-1pm daily

HPHP Is closed on the following days