Public Health Nurses (PHNs) collaborate with community partners to improve maternal, child, and adolescent health, and access to care by providing assessments, education, and linkages to resou rces. PHNs work directly with families to develop an individualized plan to meet clients’ goals during case management. Eligible clients and their families receive home visits at no cost. For information about any HSA Family Health program call: (831) 454-4339 or Toll Free (888) 598-0728.
- Public Health Field Nursing
A voluntary home visiting program with a Public Health Nurse to support families during pregnancy and with children up to 5 years old. The program provides strength-based case management, assists families with accessing resources, and provides health and parenting education.
- Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)
An evidence-based home visiting program that pairs first time expectant parents with a specially trained nurse. The program begins during pregnancy and provides support, education, and resources to families until their child turns 2 years old. Nurses also check in with the parent regarding their health and wellness and their child’s growth and development.
- Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)
CPSP is a statewide program that provides enhanced reimbursement for a wide range of services to Medi-Cal eligible pregnant and postpartum women.
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program
Public Health Nurses in Santa Cruz County provide bereavement support, information, resources, and follow-up services to assist families and caregivers who have experienced the loss of an infant from SIDS or Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID).

Every five years, the Children and Family Health Branch in the County of Santa Cruz Public Health Division conducts a Title V Needs Assessment ("2024 Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Report") aimed at identifying and addressing critical health needs and improve outcomes for families and children in Santa Cruz County.
Read the full report.
Cada cinco años, la subdivisión de Salud Infantil y Familia de la División de Salud Pública del Condado de Santa Cruz realiza una Evaluación de Necesidades del Título V (“Informe de Salud Maternoinfantil y de Adolescentes de 2024”) con el objetivo de identificar y abordar las necesidades de salud críticas y mejorar los resultados para las familias y los niños en el Condado de Santa Cruz.
Lea el informe completo.
Datashare | Santa Cruz County Demographics
Datashare| Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Data Dashboard
Datashare| Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health (MCAH) Birth Data
2022 Birth Report
Family Health Resources and Information
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The Santa Cruz County Public Health Division is a recipient of grant funds from the Office of the Californian Surgeon General (CA-OSG) and the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) to participate in the state’s ACEs Aware initiative. As an ACEs collective, we are following the Building Community Resilience Model (Center for Community Resilience) that looks at ACEs growing out of adverse community environments with a focus on racial equity.
Click here to learn more about ACES
The Perinatal Mental Health Coalition’s mission is to improve awareness, provide for continuing professional education, and to expand systems of support for perinatal mental health in Santa Cruz County. For more information, please visit
New Wellness Videos Available! Click below to watch
Postpartum Wellness Video
Video de Bienestar Posparto
Thrive by Three is a countywide initiative aimed to improve health outcomes for Santa Cruz County’s young children and their families, is supported by public and nonprofit partner collaboration.
Thrive by Three aims to improve the system of care for early childhood by addressing these goals:
- All babies are born healthy.
- Families have the resources they need to support children’s optimal development.
- Young children live in safe, nurturing families.
- Children are happy, healthy, and thriving by age 3.